Inspire a career in green engineering

Find out how engineers help solve some of the world’s most pressing issues and develop green solutions – from food and transport to energy and how we use things. 


Discover everything you need below to inspire your students to consider a career in green engineering.

Insta Meet The Future You 2


Meet the future you

In a few short questions students can find out how their skills and passions could lead to an exciting job in engineering.

Take the quiz

Explore these case studies

Inspiring Future Engineers Notes For Teachers Cover

Supporting teachers with engineering inspiration

Engineering is about making a difference to the world by solving problems, improving things and designing things. The scope and breadth of the engineering sector is huge.

Use our leaflet to familiarise yourself with key points about engineering careers to talk about with your students.


Book these experiences for your students

Icon representing Secondary education Secondary

ECO Factory - Sustainable Logistics

So you thought logistics was easy! Get into the 21st century and make your products and factory truly sustainable and environmentally sound!

  • Ages 11 to 18+
  • In-school
  • Full day
  • Cost applies
Icon representing Secondary education Secondary

The Energy Car Challenge

Design and build your cars, test them in practice sessions, then compete to beat the competition - turn science to GLORY!

  • Ages 11 to 18+
  • In-school
  • Full day
  • Cost applies

Use these brilliant careers resources

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