Careers leaders and advisors
We've brought together engineering and technology careers focused resources and guidance which aim to support your work as a careers leader.
We've brought together engineering and technology careers focused resources and guidance which aim to support your work as a careers leader.
A guide to 12 different engineering disciplines showing different pathways into engineering, to support students with their career decision-making.
The STEM Careers Toolkit for Careers Leaders in secondary schools and colleges is filled with creative ideas and practical suggestions on how to build STEM specific content into your careers strategy.
An editable slide-deck for teachers to inform and inspire 14 to 19 year olds about a career in engineering.
A 20-page booklet for young people in the UK who are making decisions about their next steps, and the different routes into the sector including T Levels, apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships and degrees.
Labour Market Information (LMI) is a useful tool to help research future jobs in your local area, understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment.
The Tomorrows Engineers website has lots of advice and guidance on promoting engineering to young people. You could also share it with employers you work with.
The jobs landscape will change as the UK economy transitions to Net Zero. See the latest forecasts across all impacted sectors.
Find out how schools in North East England have explored ways to embed careers into the curriculum.
A detailed route map showing possible routes into a career in engineering or technology, through education and training in England.
Linking Careers to the STEM Curriculum is a careers resource aimed at teachers of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics. It offers immediate ideas to try, longer term solutions and resource recommendations for linking careers to lessons.
This series of videos from Teachers TV looks at the kind of skills needed to work in STEM professions, examines the careers available and includes advice from research scientists, engineers and project managers.
A free lesson plan from Youth Employment UK. Students will research a range of careers linked to STEM subjects and present back to the class what information they have found.
My Learning, My Future is a suite of Benchmark 4 resources to support subject teaching staff to engage students in curriculum learning by highlighting the relevance of their subjects to future careers, opportunities and pathways.
A 4-page downloadable guide for students of all ages, with suggested STEM inspiration and career resources to explore at home, including podcasts, competitions and days out.
Advice and guidance for you from UCAS, STEM Learning and UK governments.
Discover how STEM Learning can help schools meet the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks in this helpful PDF.
Download PDFFind out how Dalziel High School focused on STEM careers supported by school-employer partnerships with the engineering company Amec Foster Wheeler and with the financial services company, Morgan Stanley.
Scottish Government websiteFind out about the range of different specialist engineering and technology courses available at university.
UCAS websiteT Levels are a 2-year qualification that you can do after GCSEs as an alternative to A levels, other post-16 courses or an apprenticeship. Find out more about subjects and what the cover.
UK government websiteInformation about apprenticeships in Wales.
Welsh government websiteInformation about apprenticeships in England.
UK government websiteInformation about apprenticeships in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland government websiteInformation about apprenticeships in Scotland.
Scottish government websiteThe Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) Careers Hubs bring together schools, colleges, employers, and apprenticeship providers in local areas across England. The goal is to make it easier for schools and colleges to improve how they prepare young people for their next steps.
The Education Business Partnership (EBP) provides opportunities for pupils, their teachers, and often parents, to meet and interact with employers across Wales. These activities aim to inform, inspire, and motivate young people about their career opportunities.
The My World of Work marketplace is Skills Development Scotland's website which pairs schools with businesses to enhance the learning experience of your students with industry insight.
STEM subjects are brought to life by over 37,000 volunteers available across the UK, all free of charge. Inspiring communicators and relatable role models, they are here to help now by connecting online. Aspirations are raised, careers illuminated, and learning supported.
The Association of Science Discovery Centres has a useful guide to how to write to businesses requesting support.
A wide-ranging report which presents an overview of employer-school engagement delivered via the STEM Ambassador programme, and more broadly.
A guide to share with employers that will help them support STEM careers education in England.
A blog which discusses how schools and businesses can best work together.
The Careers and Enterprise Company put together this useful resource about how to build long lasting relationships with local employers.
Find out where to apply for funding and gets tips on how to write a great application.
STEM Learning has a page of resources to help governors understand and support STEM in their school.
A guide for parents about how they can help develop their child's STEM skills, passion and talent.
See a list of our downloadable resources for parents evenings.
This 8-page booklet helps students and teachers understand engineering - what it is, and how it makes a difference.