Design and build your cars, test them in practice sessions, then compete to beat the competition - turn science to GLORY!
It's hands-on, it's fun!
It does require lots of K'nex resources (which will be provided for the duration of the event).
The session has been delivered many times for many years, and schools/colleges typically pay a fee for the managed delivery of the session unless other funding arrangements are in place.
Age groups year 5 upwards, sessions can be run with any age/abilities.
It can be adapted and extended easily to include lots of industrial careers and project management.
Minimum of 10 participants, maximum of 60 participants.
Typically £200 to £300 ex. VAT for a day-long session, subject to additional mileage/travel/subsistence costs.
Ideally, a day-long event but can be adapted to suit student numbers and age/ability groups.
Typically this session is done as a competition, and can take place as a number of sessions to build up the skills of the teams gradually, fostering the concept of continuous improvement - just like the real world of motorsport, engineering & industrial design, and projects/manufacturing.
Improve engagement, interest or enjoyment in STEM subjects
Improve attainment and progress in STEM subjects
Learning what the engineering workplace is like
Develop engineering employability skills
Improve awareness and aspirations for STEM-related study and careers
Challenge stereotypes by showing the diversity of disciplines, people and skills involved in engineering
The Gatsby benchmarks are a framework for good careers guidance for schools across all of England and in some areas across the rest of the UK. This experience helps your school to reach the following benchmarks:
The essential skills every young person needs to succeed in education and their future career. Find out more at the Skills Builder Partnership. This experience builds the following skills:
Creativity - the use of imagination and the generation of new ideas.
Problem solving - the ability to find a solution to a complex situation or challenge.
Staying positive - the ability to use tactics to overcome setbacks and achieve goals.
Teamwork - working cooperatively with others towards achieving a shared goal.
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Tomorrow's CO2-free, H2-full world needs expertise now!
Students learn hands-on how engineers think & work while developing their problem solving and teamworking skills.
What is engineering? Where can you find it? Come on a journey around the world and find out what engineers do, how they do it, and why!