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Connect, Create, Belong - Online Physics Club

Connect, Create, Belong is an online Physics Club which provides a safe space for young people to expand their knowledge of physics.

Connect, Create, Belong - Online Physics Club

'Connect, Create, Belong' is an online Physics Club which provides a safe space for young people to expand their knowledge of physics.

Divided into a rolling set of four to five week projects, that go through the same four stages of Concept, Design, Build and Test young people will get to build their own Rube Goldberg Device, Flood Proof House or Wind Turbine – providing them with fun and engaging hands on activities that will deepen their knowledge of physics. They will also have the opportunity to engage with guest speakers from diverse backgrounds, who have pursued a successful career in physics, to give them relatable role models that they can aspire to.

'Connect, Create, Belong' will be delivered online to either young students at home, or to a venue such as a classroom. The syllabus will be provided at the start of the course along with a list of the materials required for each class. There will be a person from the Blair Project present at each session, and any volunteers that are used to deliver classes will have gone through enhanced background checks.

'Connect, Create, Belong' is targeted at young people who would not traditionally pursue careers in Physics; particularly young people from BAME backgrounds, and all guest presenters and volunteers have been picked to reflect the need to bring more diversity into the field of Physics and provide more relatable role models.

'Connect, Create, Belong' aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and inventors to choose Physics as a career and open their minds to all the career possibilities it entails.


10-20 participants.



Learning outcomes

  • Improve engagement, interest or enjoyment in STEM subjects

  • Improve attainment and progress in STEM subjects

  • Improve awareness and aspirations for STEM-related study and careers

  • Challenge stereotypes by showing the diversity of disciplines, people and skills involved in engineering

Subjects and topics

    • Physics
    • Energy and environment
    • General engineering
    • Materials, products and manufacturing
    • Mechanical engineering, systems and processes
    • Space and aerospace engineering

Gatsby benchmarks

The Gatsby benchmarks are a framework for good careers guidance for schools across all of England and in some areas across the rest of the UK. This experience helps your school to reach the following benchmarks:

  • Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Encounters with further and higher education

Essential skills

The essential skills every young person needs to succeed in education and their future career. Find out more at the Skills Builder Partnership. This experience builds the following skills:

  • Listening - the ability to listen and understand information.

  • Problem solving - the ability to find a solution to a complex situation or challenge.

What the teachers say

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Icon representing Secondary education Secondary

STEM Truck Activity Day

The Blair Project's STEM Truck activity days provide young people with hands-on STEM activities that link to real world careers.

  • Ages 11 to 18
  • In-school
  • Full day
  • Cost applies

Careers resources