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Sustainable Engineering: Super Solar and Wonderful Wind

Hands-on learning about sustainable electricity generation through solar and wind.

Sustainable Engineering: Super Solar and Wonderful Wind

This workshop is a great way of teaching students about how electricity is generated in a sustainable way through solar panels and wind turbines.

Learners get to grips with digital multimeters to test all their equipment and then test and record electricity generation from solar panels and wind turbines under different conditions.

Incorporated in the day are some simple engineering builds to use the electricity generated and links out to different forms of sustainable energy production as part of the UK's energy security, including how engineers form a crucial part in its delivery.

The sustainable engineering workshops are versatile, engaging and all link the National Curriculum and fulfill Ofsted criteria.


A full day’s workshop with a class (approx. 30 pupils) from £475. This can be split into 2 half-day sessions for 2 classes if the workshop is suitable.

The provider may charge for travel and accommodation depending on where you are located.

Learning outcomes

  • Improve engagement, interest or enjoyment in STEM subjects

  • Improve attainment and progress in STEM subjects

  • Learning what the engineering workplace is like

  • Develop engineering employability skills

  • Improve awareness and aspirations for STEM-related study and careers

  • Challenge stereotypes by showing the diversity of disciplines, people and skills involved in engineering


  • Light
  • Electricity
  • Earth and space
  • Seasonal changes
  • Forces

Working scientifically

Whichever curriculum your school follows, pupils should have the opportunity to carry out practical investigations in science that help them to develop their scientific skills. This experience builds the following enquiry skills:

  • Asking questions
  • Making predictions
  • Setting up tests
  • Observing and measuring
  • Recording data
  • Interpreting and communicating results
  • Evaluating

Essential skills

The essential skills every young person needs to succeed in education and their future career. Find out more at the Skills Builder Partnership. This experience builds the following skills:

  • Aiming high - the ability to set clear, tangible goals and devise a robust route to achieving them.

  • Creativity - the use of imagination and the generation of new ideas.

  • Leadership - supporting, encouraging and motivating others to achieve a shared goal.

  • Listening - the ability to listen and understand information.

  • Problem solving - the ability to find a solution to a complex situation or challenge.

  • Speaking - the oral transmission of information or ideas.

  • Staying positive - the ability to use tactics to overcome setbacks and achieve goals.

  • Teamwork - working cooperatively with others towards achieving a shared goal.

Good for a career in...

  • Construction
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Environment
What the teachers say

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I'm a Scientist, Get me out of here

I’m a Scientist is a student-led, online enrichment activity connecting students with people working in a diverse range of roles in STEM.

  • Ages 9 to 11
  • Online
  • Up to an hour
  • Free

Careers resources