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Crumble Coding and Engineering

Engineer your own machine then bring it to life by coding the Crumble Microcontroller!

Crumble Coding and Engineering

In these workshops, students make circuits to the Crumble Microcontroller, then bring them to life using coding. Students learn all about how things work, and how engineers make them work better.

We have a few themes to our Crumble Engineering Workshops that depends on your interest and the age and ability of the pupils involved. For younger students, we have 'Lighting up the World' and 'Make some Noise' workshops that show how engineers are involved in the built world around us. For older and more able pupils we have 'Autonomous Vehicles', 'Wearable Tech', and 'Sensing Technologies' that look at what engineers are developing now, along with future possibilities.

All the workshops are hands-on - we bring enough tech for students to work in pairs on their guided projects. We don't need any resources, just a large classroom and some students!


Minimum of 10 participants, maximum of 32 participants.


Contact us for a full quote tailored to your requirements.

Dates and Location

We do not charge travel costs on top of our workshops if the location is within one hour of our office in Sandbach. Over 1 hour we will charge mileage, over 2 hours we may need to add accommodation costs on top but we can offer a full quote before purchase.


The workshops can be a half (around 2.5 hours) or a whole day (around 5 hours) and fit in with a normal school day's break and lunchtime.

Learning outcomes

  • Improve engagement, interest or enjoyment in STEM subjects

  • Improve attainment and progress in STEM subjects

  • Develop engineering employability skills

  • Improve awareness and aspirations for STEM-related study and careers

  • Challenge stereotypes by showing the diversity of disciplines, people and skills involved in engineering


  • Materials
  • Light
  • Sound
  • Electricity
  • Earth and space
  • Forces
  • Computing

Working scientifically

Whichever curriculum your school follows, pupils should have the opportunity to carry out practical investigations in science that help them to develop their scientific skills. This experience builds the following enquiry skills:

  • Asking questions
  • Making predictions
  • Setting up tests
  • Observing and measuring
  • Recording data
  • Interpreting and communicating results
  • Evaluating

Essential skills

The essential skills every young person needs to succeed in education and their future career. Find out more at the Skills Builder Partnership. This experience builds the following skills:

  • Aiming high - the ability to set clear, tangible goals and devise a robust route to achieving them.

  • Creativity - the use of imagination and the generation of new ideas.

  • Problem solving - the ability to find a solution to a complex situation or challenge.

  • Staying positive - the ability to use tactics to overcome setbacks and achieve goals.

  • Teamwork - working cooperatively with others towards achieving a shared goal.

Good for a career in...

  • Aircraft
  • Computing
  • Construction
  • Design
  • Electronics
  • Space
  • Rail and road transport
What the teachers say

We would love to read all about your time with this experience!

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Skill Supply provided our year 6 children with an inspiring Crumble Coding and Engineering workshop. Their communication prior to the workshop was excellent and their classroom set up was very professional. All children were engaged and were very proud of their results. The workshop built on previous knowledge and extended their thinking beyond the National Curriculum to provide them with an unforgettable experience. Thank you very much!
Nicola Hayward Primary
Icon representing Primary education Primary

STEM Ambassadors

STEM Ambassadors from a wide range of STEM-related jobs to help bring subjects to life!

  • Ages 5 to 11
  • In-school
  • Full day
  • Free
Icon representing Primary education Primary

MadLab Electronics Workshop

MadLab is a unique, hands-on electronics workshop where students learn to solder electronic components onto specially-designed circuit boards.

  • Ages 7 to 11
  • In-school
  • 1 to 2 hours
  • Cost applies
Icon representing Primary education Primary

Sphero Engineering Build and Race

Design and build a chariot to attach to the Sphero to carry a Lego figure around our race track!

  • Ages 7 to 11
  • In-school
  • Half a day
  • Cost applies

Careers resources