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Big Bang Blueprint engineering careers pathway

A free, low-resource pathway that introduces your students to engineering and technology careers using the Big Bang Blueprint as a starting point.

How do I use this pathway?

Want to engage a whole year group or even the entire school? Big Bang at School Blueprint provides you with the resources, tools and guidance you need to bring the Big Bang to life in your school. You'll get advice and support from the Big Bang team, including:

  • Help with planning your event, including checklists, free resources and activities.
  • How to get funding and support from other organisations.
  • Ways you can celebrate your student's success.

We've added some additional resources to this pathway to keep up the momentum that Big Bang Blueprint will kickstart at your school.

Follow these 6 simple steps, you will find links to the experiences and resources in the tabs.

Autumn term

  • First, register for Big Bang Blueprint! Big Bang at School Blueprint brings together STEM resources linked to UK science, technology and engineering curricula and highlights future STEM careers.
  • Second, kick off with EngineeringUK's Engineer Your Future presentation. The fully editable slide-deck will help you inspire your students about a career in engineering. You could deliver this as part of a year group assembly.
  • Third, order our free Careers posters for your school.

Spring term

  • First, share our leaflet Engineering and Technology, the key to the future with your students. You can download the leaflet free of charge from the link below.
  • Second, book a Tech She Can Champion to visit your school. Tech We Can Champions are volunteers who visit schools virtually or in person to inspire future generations about a career in tech.
  • Third share a link to the case studies of engineers we host on Neon. Ask them to use the filters to find a case study of an engineer working in a sector that excites them, watch it, and feed back to their peers three things about them. The case studies are here.


Icon representing Secondary education Secondary

Big Bang at School Blueprint

Does your school need some Big Bang magic? Host an inspiring STEM day filled with amazing science and engineering activities and workshops.

  • Ages 11 to 16
  • In-school
  • Full day
  • Free
Icon representing Secondary education Secondary

Tech We Can Champions

Tech We Can Champions are volunteers who visit schools virtually or in person to inspire future generations about a career in tech.

  • Ages 11 to 14
  • In-school
  • Up to an hour
  • Free